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Make the Right Choice – Select the Best ERP Software

Though there are a number of organizations offering ERP Solutions for Logistics ERP Software, Manufacturing ERP Software, Oil and Gas ERP, Asset Integrity Management, Risk Based Inspection Software, Anomaly Management Software, it is simply not easy to choose an ERP solution that suits the specific requirements of your business. Various ERP software are equipped with diverse features, configurations which renders it quite intricate to opt for a solution that best matches the needs of your business.

As mentioned, the number of organizations offering ERP solutions is several however, the fact of the matter is that none of these organizations have a clear understanding of your business. In fact, only the organization seeking ERP solution will have an in-depth knowledge about their business and they are in a better position to select the right ERP software that suits their business needs. Another challenge when it comes to selecting the right ERP software is the fact that the ERP landscape is continuously changing. There are new features that are added to existing ERP solutions and organizations offering ERP solutions are also changing their approach when it comes to developing appropriate ERP Software.

In such a situation, it is imperative that the organization seeking ERP solution has a clear cut idea about what they are looking for and how a specific ERP solution can prove to be apt for their organization. The organization needs to identify areas within their operations that they believe needs to be optimized to enhance the business process or improve outcomes. The organization also needs to weigh the pros and cons as to how implementing ERP solution can help the organization in optimizing their processes. Similarly, the requirements of different organizations within each industry would drastically vary. For example, in the logistics industry, a particular ERP solution that works for one organization may not necessarily work for another organization from the same industry. A ‘one size fits all’ approach may not work. Rather organizations need to be clear about the specific issues they intend to resolve by implementing ERP software within their business process and outlining the expected outcomes.

Organizations also need to understand the capacity of the intended ERP software to be easily integrated within their existing processes or understand whether the ERP solution can be aligned to the purpose with which it is being acquired for example, return on investment, process optimization etc.

Cost is another factor that organizations need to take into consideration while opting for ERP software as it can be expensive. But, cost cannot be considered as a distinct factor on the basis of which organizations select ERP software. The common belief that higher cost means higher quality and low cost means low quality may not be necessarily true. There are ERP software that are expensive but have high functionality and ERP software that are comparatively cheaper but offers the same level of functionality. Therefore, the choice of ERP software should not be on the cost of the product but rather it should be on the offered functionality and how it matches with the business requirements.

Another factor that needs to be kept in mind is to assess the viability of the vendor providing the ERP software. The organization should ensure whether the role of the vendor will be restricted only till the sale process or whether extended support and maintenance services are provided.

Selecting the best ERP software can be a challenging proposition considering the fact that the market is inundated with several ERP software service providers. In view of this, it is essential that the organization keeps the above said factors in mind while selecting ERP software. To reiterate, these factors would pertain to understanding the business requirements, weighing the pros and cons, integration and alignment with existing processes, cost and viability of vendors. These factors can be crucial in enabling organizations to choose the right ERP software solution that best matches their business requirements.

In view of the above factors, the process of selecting the right ERP software is rendered easy when it comes to ERP solutions offered by Agaram InfoTech. Clients are presented with multiple options for selecting the right ERP software from the array of solutions that Agaram has to offer. To facilitate ease of selection, Agaram has conceptualized a distinct model where 30% of customization is incorporated within the cost of the product. In addition, the process of customization and implementation does not take much time and the turnaround time would at the most stretch up to 3 to 4 months as compared to several other organizations where the turnaround time for customization and implementation often stretches from 1 to 2 years.

The quick turnaround time for customization and implementation at Agaram is driven by our team of experts who facilitate the implementation at the client’s end and extend their assistance till the process is actually complete. Moreover, as a pioneering organization that provides exceptional ERP solutions, Agaram simplifies the process by replacing conventional methods thereby offering results that are accurate.

Agaram InfoTech is an organization that offers impeccable ERP Software Solutions that not only match the business requirements but it can be easily integrated with existing processes. Needless to say, we offer competitive prices and establish a long term association with our clients. In addition, we also offer customized ERP software solutions that can be tailored to suit the needs of the client. Agaram ERP offers a comprehensive solution that is best amongst equals and can prove to be the logical choice for you.

Steps Involved in Developing a WordPress Website

In the current situation, if a business wants to survive and make a profit, it needs to think about replacing the traditional practices with new-age technology. It is because now the world is changing, and people need faster and efficient solutions, and if a business is not able to provide it, they can just move on to the other option. This is the primary reason of the cut-throat competition and business rivalry. In search of the new age technologies, businesses are now turning towards the IT industry to provide the latest and effective solutions.

Businesses have now understood the importance of presence and publicity, and for that, they are availing of website development services. In general, a website is a collection of online content or page addressed under a unique URL on which one can feed and display. This means that with the help of a website, any business can increase its exposure by showing itself over the internet. This creates an opportunity of optimizing the online presence and to let the people know who you are and what you can offer.

Nowadays. Website development is a general practice with various service providers and development platform. But when someone looks into it, the first option they come across is custom WordPress development services. It is a unique and robust way of developing and managing a website that a business can create according to its requirement and interest.

Stages of Developing a WordPress Website

1. Idea to Concept

Not many people know, but an idea and a concept are different, where the idea is a general thought, and the concept is the final version. WordPress development starts with the idea that contains the use of the website, its name, how it should, and similar details. With a significant R&D, the idea converts into a concept, and we move towards the next step.

2. Development and Testing

At this step, we have to go through 3 different processes that are purchase, staging, and testing. To run a website, you need a domain, a unique for the website and hosting, a platform to store the data and information. Before developing a website, you need to purchase both, you can do it via a vendor.

Next, you need to create a staging website, which is like a dummy platform where to can introduce new features and test their functioning. In the long run, this staging website can also work as a backup. From here, the real development process starts, and you install WordPress on the purchased hosting and connect the domain. Next, you select a theme that will work as a design framework for the website and will give a unique look. WordPress provides a wide array of themes to choose from with DIY options. Next, you need to create the required pages and arrange the menu according to your needs. By this time, the basic website is done, and you go live with it, but in case you want some different features and functionalities, then you have to install plugins and integrations. So far, so good, as you have created the website and have installed all the required plugins. Now it is time to test it to detect any error or glitch. If you find something, then it needed to be sorted out before going live because it can create a negative user experience, but if everything is good, then you can proceed to the next step.

3. Going Live

You have availed of WordPress development services and have created a unique website. You have the testing, and now you are ready to go live. To go live, you have to copy the database, media, users, etc., from the staging website to the live domain. You have to make sure that the data is copied correctly, and then you can go live, just like that.


Websites are a must-have asset for a business, and in the current scenario, it is highly recommended. So, if you want to go a step further to increase your business’s reach, opt for WordPress development services and have a functional and interactive website.

Types of BPO Services at a Glance

Business Process Outsourcing Services or BPO services offer different advantages to the businesses that decide to collaborate with another business for a piece of their business activities and processes. BPO represents business process outsourcing services and the term is utilized to clarify the process whereby non-core business processes are overseen by another firm, while the business commits its time and assets to the administration of center business activities. Renowned IT firms today likewise offer a-list business process outsourcing services. A few of these names are The Digital Group, Hexaware, Cybage and that’s just the beginning.

There are numerous advantages of opting for BPO Services, which are given beneath:

Reduced cost of tasks
Availability of assets for center business processes
Boost in proficiency and profitability of the process
Provision for Re distribution of assets with a specific degree of adaptability
Access to master groups and the ranges of abilities
Access to trend setting innovation assets and elite process draws near

Discussing the various sorts of BPO Services being offered by the main IT firms today, we principally have the two primary classes which are given beneath:

Back office outsourcing
Front office outsourcing

Back office Outsourcing is utilized to allude to assignments that are typically completed in the backend. These incorporate the accompanying, and every one of them is a fundamental piece of center business processes.

Data passage
Data the executives
Payroll processing
Processing of installments to merchants
Conducting studies and investigating the outcomes
Support for accounts the executives
Quality Assurance of items

Front office outsourcing, then again, is a term that alludes to BPO Services that are a piece of the process of interfacing with clients or customers. Coming up next are a couple of models:

Email uphold
Chat uphold
Phone discussions
Online investigating
Technical uphold
Inbound and outbound deals
Customer backing or administration
Also, Business Process Outsourcing Services can be named Onshore outsourcing and Offshore outsourcing. Onshore outsourcing is a term that is utilized to allude to homegrown Outsourcing processes and includes looking for the BPO specialist organizations from a similar nation.

Offshore outsourcing, then again, is tied in with sending out IT work starting with one nation then onto the next. A great many people accept that diminished work costs, is the main factor behind the development of Outsourcing, however it’s false. There are numerous different components that work for Offshore outsourcing

Notwithstanding the business process outsourcing services referenced above, there is additionally another type of outsourcing which is named as nearshore outsourcing and it includes Outsourcing the processes to firms in neighboring nations.

Business Process Outsourcing Services have for sure made considerable progress and today is one of the most searched after services gave by driving IT firms over the globe. BPO Services help an association in numerous manners, as referenced in the focuses above. There are a few nations that are most favored objections for Offshore BPO Services, and India is one of them. BPO Services have demonstrated to assist endeavors with accomplishing their business objectives to the extent the non-center business processes are concerned, and this is viewed as of incredible business esteem. No big surprise, there is a consistent expansion in the interest for quality BPO Services by undertakings over the globe.

Why DevOps is Trending

The Spiking Popularity of DevOps

Google trends report DevOps to have shown exceptional growth since 2019 after its birth in 2010. Indeed 2019 was a flagship year for DevOps.

At a higher level, the introduction of DevOps into the industry is squeezing more efficiency out of once- an experimental program, baking more resilience and making software pipelines compliant.

An analysis by Google has figured numerous companies that have incorporated DevOps into their systems.

Reasons Why DevOps is trending:

These could be a few reasons why DevOps is trending.

DevSecOps- Security gets more priority in the development lifecycle ever than before. Security has become everyone’s opportunity rather than just security experts.

DevSecOps- gives more importance to security. It creates security awareness and shares information within the organization to improve the security in the software development process.

For example, the Capital One Bridge made cloud security a concerning factor, and hence securing data in the cloud had become extremely risky.

The failure of Samsung Note 7 is a classic example of how security is crucial during the initiation of a software cycle.

The initial steps of DevOps include Continuous integrations and continuous delivery, Real-time surveillance, incident response systems, and collaboration platforms.

Artificial Intelligence or Machine learning and DevOps

The development of software has revolutionized the DevOps methodology, cloud-native approach, and microservices architecture. DevOps integrates testing and production environments. It provides first-hand experience to the developers of the problems that the software could face once in the application.

Applying AI and ML to the DevOps pipelines can help you run builds and automation efficiently with closer insights.

Engineers are now moving from DevOps to data-offs and AI-offs which focus on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. They learn from the logs and monitoring metrics to drive DevOps in a controlled pattern.

DevOps is maturing with AI making life simpler for developer’s operation engineers and the DevOps Engineers.

Maximizes Efficiency with Automation

Almost everything today happens over the internet. Every company is transforming into an IT company providing some particular services.

For an organization, the software is the critical element that generates sales and business. A successful DevOps initiative requires a mindset that brings greater collaboration between multiple teams-product, engineering, security, and IT Operations.

Hence automation of software deployment and infrastructure provision the key to all modern businesses. Thus improving the software efficiency in a reliable and secure way.

Optimizes the Entire Business

DevOps course enables organizations to optimize the whole system.

It transforms organizations to become adaptive and data-driven to align seamlessly with the customer and business needs.

Improves the speed and stability of software development and deployment.

Analysis of a DevOps organization over consecutive years has shown an excellent growth graph. Improved efficiency is observed with better software deployment speed and stability.

Focus on Humans than Machines

The smooth functioning of DevOps is furnished by the people and not the tools. They form the key role players who increase your odds of success.

A DevOps evangelist is a cogent leader who can explain the benefits business can reap by incorporating DevOps into the system.

An automation specialist can develop strategies for CI and deployment, monitoring pre and post-production systems.

Better communication and Cooperation

A common team that monitors development and operations is much tangible than those sectored designations. When both the fields work together, goals are focused rather than individual performances.

The team focuses on producing an efficient marketable product. There is no wait and no laundering of tasks. The processes become crystal clear and efficient.

Reduced Costs and IT Staff.

DevOps cuts down staff management and operation costs.

And to add the cherry on top effect, the pandemic anyways demand social distancing; DevOps helps us maintain the efficiency with minimum staff too.

With 65% of organizations adopting DevOps as their primary methodologies. DevOps is seen to be trending in the industry tremendously.

2020 seems, like a bright year for DevOps and a precursor to many successful future systems.

The uncountable technical benefits of DevOps has made it the paramount decision for corporate.